Saturday, January 10, 2009

Introducing Aria Zarrin Giti

On Wednesday 1/8 Mommy went to bed feeling weird and 45 minutes later woke up with her water broken. In 15 minutes we were at the hospital (12:05am) we were at the hospital and admitted. From 1-8:30 Mommy was in labor (thank God for the epidural that was administered at 5 am) and by 9:12 am Mommy pushed Aria out. With only 35 minutes of pushing our angel came into this world.
She was 19 1/2 inches and weighed in at 7 pounds 14 ounces. Mommy was joined in the labor room with Daddy, Grandma Laya, Aunt Simin, 2 nurses, and Dr. Pinkus.

For those that are wondering where we got her name from:

Aria: in Italian opera means song and on top of it the eastern region of the persion empire was called we found the perfect name for our daughter!

Zarrin: is Shari's mothers name and means Golden in Farsi

We were realeased from the hospital last night (1/10) and enjoyed having her at home today.

Since she is a little jaundiced, our schedule pretty much consists of: Feeding every two hours (which takes an hour), then change (about 5 minutes) then sleep. Then wake up two hours later and do the same thing...on Monday she gets checked out by her doctor again and we hope that she is jaundice free!

We'll post more about the labor, delivery and more details when mommy is less sleep deprived.

Thank you for all your love and support!!!


Ali, Shari, & Aria


eva said...

Wonderful news Shari! All my love and congratulations to you and Ali. And ALL my kisses for Aria! :)

Auntie Eleeza

Jami said...

Congrats darlin! Such a beautiful family!

Stef said...

Congrats!!! Nice schedule... Hope adrenaline is keeping you going! :p